How to Use Cain & Abel
The use of this program is much easier and simpler than using wireshark, but if you want all packets that have been in and out is recommended that you use wireshark program
* * Open the program you Cain
* * Click on the Configure
* * In the "Sniffer" select ethernet card that you will use
* In the "HTTP Fields" you should add your username and password fields his fields if you want is not listed.
As an example I'll let you know that if you want to hack Friendster password you have to add in the username fields and fields passworsd word name, for others you can find it by pressing the right click view source and you should seek the input variables from the website login and password. Already in default rasanyan already quite complete, you can steal the pass that is in klubmentari without adding anything.
* * After that apply and click ok settingannya
* * On the main menu, there are 8 tabs, and which will be discussed only 1 tab is the tab "Sniffer" because it is select that tab and do not pindah2 from that tab to prevent your own confusion
* * Activate the Sniffer sniffer by clicking the button at the top tab2 it, find the button that his writings "Start / Stop Sniffer"
* * If you're at a network hub at this time you already know the password can enter by clicking the tab (this time the tab at the bottom instead of in the middle, the middle is no need to click-click again) "Passwords"
* You can just choose a password from which the connection you want to see will already listed there
* * If you were there at the network switch, it requires more struggle, you must activate the APR which is on the right tombolonya Sniffer (And this is not guaranteed berhasilkarena manage the switch is much more comprehensive and secure from the hub)
* * Before activated at the bottom of the sniffer tab select APR
* * You should see 2 pieces that are still empty list, click an empty part of the list then click the "+" (shaped like it) in the range of the sniffer APR etc.
* * There will be 2 pieces of field containing all the available hosts on your network
* * Connect the victims ip address ip address and gateway servers (to know the address of the gateway server click start on the comp you select the run type cmd then type ipconfig at a command prompt)
* * After that activate the APR, and all the data from the comp victim to a server you can see in the same way.
You can run both programs on simultaneously (for APR Cain and wireshark for packet sniffing) if you want maximum results.Passwords can be stolen is the password in HTTP server (the server is not encrypted), if such data exist on the server that is encrypted then you have to decrypt the data before obtaining the password (and it will require a much longer langkah2 of the way this hack )For terms that do not understand can be found on wikipedia (but the english indo jg ya if that does not necessarily exist).Technologically-frequency bands both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, which became operational container technology, Wi-Fi is not free from limitations.Because the users in a new area can take advantage of wireless Internet system is optimally, when all the devices used in the area using a uniform transmit power and limited.If the preconditions are not honored, you can bet will happen is not only harmful interference between devices of Internet users, but also with other telecommunications systems devices.If interference continues, because users want more superior than other users, and therefore lack of understanding of the limitations of the technology-in the end will make the frequency band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz could not be used optimally.Another limitation of this second wireless frequency bands (particularly 2.4 GHz) is due also used for ISM (industrial, science and medical).Consequently, the use of radio communications or other telecommunication device that works in the frequency band it should be ready to accept interference from ISM devices, as stated in S5.150 of the Radio Regulations.In the recommendation ITU-R SM.1056, also informed the device characteristics of the ISM which basically aims to prevent occurrence of interference, both between devices perangkattelekomunikasi ISM as well as with other woods.The same recommendation affirms that every member of the ITU-free establish administrative requirements and rules of law relating to mandatory power restrictions.Recognizing the limitations and the impact that may arise from the use of both of the wireless frequency bands, various countries and impose regulations that limit the transmission power of the devices used.Wireless SignalWireless LAN signals can be captured normally in the range of about 200 meters from the access point, but the client that uses an external antenna to capture signals as far as 1000 meters. If you put AP near door or window, you can bet the neighbors can enjoy Internet access or do sniffing of network traffic.If the wireless LAN infrastructure that involves wireless connections between tall buildings, then the client is not desirable to do sniffing from the bottom as far as 2,500 feet (762 meters). So even though the ISP's wireless LAN signal to be placed in the tops of tall buildings can be in-sniffing from below (known as the war flying).If you want the connect internet using wifi while you are away from the AP or wifi is available you can get closer to the area and can play online as much with the following steps1) You must have a USB Wireless Adapter. You can get a computer shop in stores with prices ranging from Rp 210,000 (quite cheap for this sophisticated technology) + UHF antenna parabolic shape.2) This step is a key step, using a shaped antenna Uhv as Grid Parabolic Reflector to strengthen the signal.3) To further strengthen the power of parabole reflexy you can add wire netting on the entire surface, lalujangan forget screwing with the order parabola. You can also add aluminum foil.4) Install a USB WiFi adapter on a pillar in the middle parabola. If too long the focus can be cut.Try to keep a USB WiFI is located at the focus of parabola. Remember the focus of parabola formula. If you doubt ya simple formula.F = D (squared) / 4 (squares). CD: diameter satellite dishC: deep dish5) attach the USB cable (USB 2.0 High Speed cable system) in such a way.6) Then reinstall the USB wifi support poles on the parabola. Put the iron pipe to facilitate Antenne played so good to play.7) If you've installed the USB drivers WiFI earlier (factory default).Then install "NETWORK STUMBLER" to find a strong signal and the closest.8) Connect the antenna outside and insert USB cable in the port of your computer. Scan pake Net Stumbler. Find a network that guns' in most deket encrypt and the distance with you. Then join aja.Access to wifi:type:secure, it means to be able to access we have to enter a passwordunsecure, meaning we can access the wifi with no need to fill passwords, jd direct connect.What is unsecure, sometimes also can not access the internet although it can connect to the network. This karenaada IP settings. For servers that use dynamic ip, then we do not have to bother with the ip because ip sdh automatically inserted by the server to the client (our computer).
Instal Windows 7 Menggunakan Flashdisk (USB)
14 tahun yang lalu
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